Through our chosen curriculum, we aim to prepare our students for adult and working life in the 21st century.
The educational vision and curriculum design for Braeside School recognises that:
The following section describes the aims and themes that underly our curriculum at Braeside School, and more details are available about the specific curricula followed in our Early Years, Primary school, Secondary school and the Sixth Form.
At Braeside we believe our curriculum should be balanced, broad and relevant to our learners. The key aim for our teaching and learning is to provide opportunities for all pupils to be active learners, to enjoy and to achieve, alongside developing the attributes of confident individuals and responsible global citizens.
Braeside’s curriculum is based upon the National Curriculum but includes additional learning opportunities that we plan for all our pupils to enhance and extend their learning journey.
Sport, music and drama are important aspects of the school ethos.
Students are given the opportunity to play sport both socially and in competitive fixtures. Sporting activities are run on a ‘sport for all’ basis, while more gifted athletes take part in additional coaching sessions, fixtures and tournaments. Braeside School also takes part in a number of inter-school sporting events through partnerships with other international schools.
Swimming training begins from an early age and carries on across all age groups. Braeside swimming teams are highly ranked in the inter-schools swimming galas. Some of the swimmers have gone on to represent Kenya in international meets throughout the continent.
Drama plays a significant role in our school life, with two spectacular shows being produced and performed each year. The children have the opportunity to perform to large audiences in the magnificent auditorium, gaining confidence and encouraging skills such as public speaking.
Students are exposed to all aspects of music including the appreciation and understanding of a range of live and recorded music, improvisation, composition and practical performance. The more talented students undertake the international ABRSM (Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music) and LCM (London College of Music) examinations. Braeside students are also encouraged to participate in vibrant bands and choirs, either as soloists or as part of an ensemble. The students perform not only in school, but also as part of international school events, such as the bi-annual inter-school Cantata.